Group Therapy

“Community is the antidote to the madness of the world.”

– Brene Brown
You’ve been juggling so many things for so long that you’re not sure how you’re still standing. There’s always something pulling at you, demanding your time, your attention, your energy. Some days, it feels like you’re barely keeping it together—balancing career, family, relationships, and personal expectations. You try your best to manage it all, but there are moments when the weight feels unbearable. The mood swings, the stress, the constant questions of whether you’re doing enough or if you’re doing it right—it all adds up. And somewhere in the middle of it, you’re wondering, Where is my space in all of this?

The roles you’re expected to fill—mother, partner, professional, daughter—begin to clash, leaving you wondering who you are beyond all the labels.

You feel the tension between wanting to be everything for everyone and holding onto your own sense of self, but it’s hard to see a way forward. It’s not just the external pressures; it’s also the internal battle with societal expectations, the challenge of navigating complex family dynamics, and the weight of trying to make meaningful connections in a world that often demands too much. Whether it’s the shifting tides of motherhood, the unspoken demands of gender roles, or the unpredictable nature of dating and relationships, it all feels like it’s pulling in different directions. It’s exhausting—and yet, there’s a part of you that longs to make sense of it all, to find balance, and to discover a way to live authentically amidst the chaos.

What if, instead of carrying all of this weight alone, you could share it with others who understand? This group is designed for women who are navigating these challenges—who are ready to process, to connect, and to heal. Here, you’ll find space to explore how to embrace your full complexity without feeling the need to conform to the world’s expectations. It’s an opportunity to take off your masks, discover how to balance the roles you play, manage stress, redefine strength, and foster deeper connections in all areas of life.

“We cannot heal without each other. Healing happens when we gather and create a circle of care that transcends individual pain.” — Maya Angelou

Visualize entering a room filled with women who understand your struggles, who have walked the path you’re on. In this space, the burden isn’t yours alone to carry. You’re no longer isolated in your pain, wondering if anyone can truly understand. There’s immense relief in realizing you’re not alone, in recognizing that others share the emotional weight you’ve been holding. And in this collective understanding, you are liberated from the pressure of having to be perfect.

You can show up as you are—vulnerable, uncertain, and still finding your way—and be fully accepted.

In this shared space, something transformative happens. The isolation that often accompanies inner turmoil begins to dissipate. It’s easy to feel as though your struggles are uniquely yours, that no one could possibly comprehend the depth of what you’re experiencing.

But in group therapy, you encounter other women who resonate with your challenges. You’ll hear your own story reflected in the experiences of others, and in that echo, a powerful sense of connection is born. You’ll discover that you are not alone in your feelings, and that shared experience becomes a potent tool for healing.

This isn’t just about being heard—it’s about being seen, truly seen, in the fullness of your experience. And it’s in that shared understanding that healing begins to unfold.

Perhaps you’ve already embarked on your therapy journey and made strides, but something still feels absent. While individual sessions have provided value, there remains an inner yearning for something deeper—more connection, more support, more community. The time between sessions can stretch on, leaving you feeling disconnected from the progress you’ve made.

Group therapy serves to bridge that gap, offering an added layer of support that complements and enriches your individual therapy. It’s not about replacing what you’ve already begun—it’s about enhancing it.

My practice is offering two supportive group therapy options: a General Women’s Processing Group and a Processing Group for Black Women. Each provides a space for connection, reflection, and growth. Curious about which one might be the best fit for you? Reach out today—I’d love to share more details!

Group therapy is for you if:

  • You’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of balancing career, family, and personal life.
  • You struggle with managing stress and emotions but don’t know where to start.
  • You’re struggling to navigate family dynamics, relationships, and the challenges of your roles whether as a mother, daughter, partner, or beyond.
  • You’re questioning the roles you’re expected to play and how they align with who you truly are.
  • You’re seeking connection and support from other women who understand your challenges.
  • You want a safe space to explore and redefine your sense of self beyond external expectations.
  • You’re craving a community where you can share your experiences and grow together.
  • You’re ready to find healthier ways to cope with stress, set boundaries, and embrace your authentic self.
  • You understand that this is a peer-support group and not a substitute for individual therapy or crisis intervention.

Group therapy isn’t for you if:

  • You are actively in crisis and need immediate intervention or support that requires one-on-one attention from a licensed professional.
  • You are not open to sharing personal experiences or hearing from others in a group setting.
  • You seek solutions without intending to engage in deeper self-reflection or address underlying issues.
  • You’re looking for a space that is strictly focused on offering professional therapy rather than peer-based support.
  • You are not comfortable with group settings and would prefer to address your challenges privately with a therapist.
  • You have active suicidal thoughts or behaviors that have not been addressed by a licensed mental health professional (in which case, please seek immediate help).
  • You are not willing to respect the confidentiality and privacy of other group members

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